Third weeks reading – HTML and the development of HTML5

Reflecting on previous work I already know the difference between CSS and HTML. In this blog the focus is now HTML and its development to version HTML5. HTML stands for hypertext mark-up language, it focuses on the content in the webpage unlike CSS that focuses on the presentation of the webpage. HTML has evolved over years and used by browsers to display a webpage and the content it contains. 

Having read through the material HTML seems difficult when first looked at but can actually be quiet simple. For beginners the basic rules of coding are that once you understand what the names are given to characters, you may begin to code. For example h1 stands for heading one (this is typically the biggest and boldest due to it being used for the main title.) Therefore then you code you must start with a < and after you have added the instructions close with a />. As a result the code will look like this : <h1> Edge Hill University </h1>. All this piece of language does is tell the web browser that this is heading one. 

Although browsers depending on the version of HTML you are using, may be very sensitive to mistakes. For instance HTML is compatible with XML but they are very different. HTML may still display code when capital letters have been used or a back slash instead of a slash, XML simply will not accept these lazy poorly practised mistakes. 

Furthermore HTML has been developed and standardised by W3C. Currently HTML5 has been developed so that it can be used on a range of devices, instead of having different languages or variations of code to be compatible with different devices. It has also been developed to support better graphics like raster-based canvas that allows user to draw 2D and 3D graphics using Javascript into the webpage. It is also able to translate into Braille, so even disabled users can understand it. Google’s Hickson suggests that ‘Development of HTML will just proceed until HTML is dead.’ It would be interesting to see what the next computer language would be that overtakes HTML, if it will be supported by web browsers and what advantages it has compared to HTML. Although critically this may be difficult because HTML is becoming a standard practise and used by most web browsers, therefore most other languages are being faded out and taken over by HTML. 

Upon reflection reading this week was quiet interesting on not only establishing the differences between HTML and CSS but also knowing what each of them are and how they work together. However to improve I must start offering my own materials and extra reading into the blogs, to enable me grasp and even better understanding of HTML and most of its functions and a better in depth knowledge of how it has evolved over time. In addition researching why it has become the most popular language used by web browsers and not the other languages that are currently being phased out or over taken. 

Citing for this post 2013. Untitled. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 17 Nov 2013].

IEEE Xplore. 2013. World Wide Web: Whence, Whither, What Next?. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 17 Nov 2013].

Niederst Robbins, J. 2007. Learning web design. 4th ed. Beijing: O’Reilly.

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